Hannah Whitten: Post No. 3


The NBC logo is an excellent example of some of Gestalt’s principles. Similarity is the first one that I noticed. All of the feathers of the peacock are very similar in shape and size. Another principle that I see is proximity. All of the shapes fit together in a close proximity to make the figure of the peacock stand out. Figure is definitely a principle seen in this logo. The figure of a peacock stands out around the white space. Through the use of Gestalt’s principles, this logo works really well.

4 comments on “Hannah Whitten: Post No. 3

  1. This is a really great example of Gestalt’s principles. By making the background white, the black stands out and the similarity of it pulls the eye to the feathers first. The proximity is a great way to make the body of the peacock stand out. If the feathers were further apart, then you would not be able to see it. The last principle is figure and it goes without saying that it is the most prominent. I never knew what the picture was until a year or so ago. When it takes a minute to determine what you’re looking at, figure is probably the principle being used. This is an excellent example because the peacock is subtle and uses all 3 Gestalt principles effectively.
    -Lainey Mays
    Sec. 4

  2. Hannah,

    This is a very good example of the Gestalt principles. Similarity is the principle that stands out most to me in this image due to the multiple feathers on the peacock. The neck and head of the peacock on this NBC logo is the next element of Gestalt that stands out to me, which is an example of closure. Closure is used because it appears that the neck and head of the peacock go through the feathers and end without distinct lines. Also, proximity is used in this NBC logo because the elements are placed close together and in a group. As a whole, this logo is a great example of Gestalt.

    Emily Quatman

  3. This was a great example of the Gestalt principles! I almost even used this one as I was searching for ideas. The NBC logo definitely draws my eyes to the feathers which are made into the shape of a peacock… A great use of proximity. When logo is pictured in color it has a great use of color as well.

  4. What a great example you found. This is exactly what gestalt principles are all about. The color as well at the proximity is what gave it away to me. The feathers are an awesome way to bring your eyes around the design. Great job.

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